The Super Wizard From Space #57
Kilo Yuga, part 3
Andy Dharma carried the body of the Super Wizard From Space to the opposite side of the planet. A long journey through stark alien landscapes, enduring strangling desert heats and continental…
Andy Dharma carried the body of the Super Wizard From Space to the opposite side of the planet. A long journey through stark alien landscapes, enduring strangling desert heats and continental…
The Super Wizard From Space is caught in tight, knotted agony. His gut feels like gravel, rolling and scrapping and banging all against itself. He lays on the ground, clutching his middle. He…
The Super Wizard From Space bursts out of sub-space, immediately disoriented. A thin atmosphere, a planetary gravity… where was he? He could just make out the constellations through the…
My name is Brody Dharma, master hero of the Invisible Monks. I am an honoured guest in the great ringed galaxy of Hoag, the capital city of the Super Wizard From Space race. And I am witnessing what…
I hold the Monster Bee tightly by the wing. It's hurt and it's scared and I don't care. They should know how it feels. "You found someone fiercZer and sZmarter and better than me… and you let…
I close my eyes on one world, I open them again on another forty trillion miles away. My consciousness splits and is transmitted over astronomical distances, into a surrogate body made of electric…
I never liked church. My parents were faithful, but not me. I shunned the theistic trappings and instead embraced scientific teachings. For me, it was all about the stars. When I dream, I dream of…
His ancient race long ago unravelled the laws of physics, and they then learned how to redefine them. They harvest fusion fire to sustain themselves, and they hollow out suns to build their private…
Do you have any idea how this looks? We aren't at war anymore. The tournament is supposed to prevent this exact sort of conflict from flaring up again
"What I'm doing, it has to be done. Because someone has to do it. Because no one else is doing it. They're scared of what might happen. Scared of what they could lose. Scared of things they can't change. We can't live like that.&q
Long spear-length stingers, glints of wet toxin at the tips. Wide crystal wings banging against torsos, making thrumming thunder. It's a blanket of angry buzzing. Getting thicker as they crawl over each other. At me. Looking to smother me. Kill me.
"A swarm! A monster swarm! Oh! Oh gods, they were everywhere. They killed everyone. They stabbed them and killed them. And the dead changed into more and went to do the same. Stabbing and changing and stabbing. Everyone's gone!"
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