The Super Wizard From Space #69
Taming Power Of The Small, part 2
Monster Bees elevate their leadership from outside. Means there’s a steep learning curve for queen bees, especially the temporary sort.
Monster Bees elevate their leadership from outside. Means there’s a steep learning curve for queen bees, especially the temporary sort.
And in the calm eye of it, I can just make out Melisende’s massive shape, pacing and stomping and screaming at them, her voice amplified overtop the cacophony. “Are you happy now? That’z it! It’z over!”
There’s a… sensation. Of outer space settling, like a blanket smoothed out by hand, deep creases of furious thrashing laid flat. Of excess gravity unfurling around him, dissipating into…
Genovefa Buzz scuttles on the wounded world, balancing on a egg while waiting for it to burst underneath her. Each step of her soaring legs carve ragged canyons along the equator. Each beat of her…
Genovefa eclipses the entire sky, her planetary shadow stretching from alien horizon to alien horizon. And as the shadow expands, as she draws closer, the more astronomic damage her presence…
Consciousness returns without light, and with crushing pain. Sharp, constant pressure, from every direction. Bending and compress,so violent that it feels his skin might rupture. But it was there.…
They loom over him, firm footed, while he drowns in shifting sands. Both of them small, slight, and made of cracked amber. Mirrors of one another. The first stands away, withdrawn and suspicious.…
Impenetrable darkness surrounds the Wizard. He’s lost the sensation of falling. He can’t tell what direction is up or away or outwards. He's cut off from natural gravities, from magnetics…
He watches the vast dark sphere bear down, swallowing up star after star, darkening every horizon. It advances with a gravity that rips and tears at the surrounding terrain, like a predator slicing…
Most… things originate from nothing more that an idea. Usually a stupid idea, or at least one that isn't given clear thought. That idea is given form by way of messy biology or mechanical…
Andy Dharma bent over the Stringer's prone body, wrapped both arms around his head, and with a single fast wrench, broke the super-wizard's neck. KRACK! The alien salt flat was silent for long,…
As the Schrivener super-wizard brought the Cosmic Crown to his brow, it seemed to gain… weight. It didn't feel heavier in his hands, as he wasn't even holding it (it hovered above his palms,…
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