
Why I Like The Burning Wheel Roleplaying System


Two friends and I started a dwarf-centric table-top roleplaying game a year and a half ago. We are nearing our 40th bi-weekly session and all three of us are still excited about the game, so I guess we're doing something right. But this success is al

2012 Fringe Shows I Wanna Watch

The Winnipeg Fringe Festival is on again, celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary! As I've done before, I've purchased tickets to some shows that I absolutely did not want to miss, and using this blog post to keep a list of other shows I'l

More Alexeyevich Documents Uncovered


Several weeks later, I am still playing in and enjoying the WW2-based roleplaying game. Our characters are deep in occupied France, ahead of Patton and Montgomery's lines, clandestinely chasing down our targets through Paris and, inevitably, Germany

Trying Out The D&D Next Playtest


This weekend, me and two friends decided to try out the D&D Next playtest that was released a couple weeks ago. Our campaign had reached a point that allowed for us to play some interstitial scenes in the story:*: since we'd be running a couple d

I Bought Humble Indie Bundle 5 And So Should You


The fifth Humble Indie Bundle is out, and it looks like the best one so far! Experience the fear and paranoia of Amnesia: The Dark Descent:*: the intensity and impact of LIMBO:*: the zany characters of Psychonauts:*: the future-retro, audiovisual concocti

Make Good Art

Neil Gaiman address the University of Arts Class of 2012. Must watch.

Ghost Of Russia


Its 1944, deep into World War II. The Allies are pushing back against the Axis powers. But in our historical fiction, we have weaved in the mystic and occult. A limited number of artificers are working for various national powers, industrial progress stea

Ahead Of Yesterday

I've seen several people do those pictures-a-day projects and was interested in doing something similar... so I started a new Tumblr blog called "Ahead Of Yesterday".

Bus Stop Ninjas


Just as an aside, I have been slacking off a bit on my writing as I put a little polish on a side project called Bus Stop Ninjas. Its a randomly-assembled web comic where the individual panels and haiku lines are shuffled together in what are hopefully so

Making Banknote Props For D&D


I recently began a D&D game where the setting had a Victorian-esque feel to it. In discussions with friends, we had the idea of creating paper currency, specifically the oversized banknotes that were used in those times and in colonial america. They w

My Scanner Limps On

My CanoScan LIDE 100 was a cheap buy, around eighty bucks a couple years ago. For that price, I easily got my money's worth. But I believe its starting to show its quality.

Them Bones

I have never seen dinosaur fossils before, so this was a great treat. It was awe inspiring, standing there amongst these massive skeletons, trying to imagine a time when monsters really did roam the earth.

Want to explore more of my site? I got you covered! All my posts are grouped by category to help you find what you're most interested in!