
Sang Nordique Website Relaunch

#Roleplaying #Webdev

I had a hand in building and maintaining the previous versions of the site, and though I haven't played in the game itself in years, I still like participating by way of some donated web development time. Not only does it give me the opportunity to a

More Comicbook Recommendations

Here are four more comicbooks that you should give a chance. They're all available digitally. If you're looking for a good comicbook, if you're looking for a good read, you won't go wrong with one of these...

What Makes A Hero?

I ran across this TEDEducation video recently. It's by Matthew Winkler and it beautifully illustrates 'the hero's journey', a common and powerful myth that crops up in many classic and modern stories.

Burning Wheel Dice


I play in a bi-weekly Burning Wheel game with a pair of friends. One of them has a set of dice he's cobbled together with little glued-on pieces of paper. Having played over fifty sessions in this ongoing campaign, they were starting to show some wea

A new coat of paint for my RACC site


If you went to my RACC fiction subsite, you would have seen that it had a haphazard, half-finished appearance. Though I poked and prodded it several times over its existence, it never really benefited from the attention it wanted. This had a lot to do wit

Making Some New Wall Art Out Of Some Old Comicbooks

I've been jazzing up my apartment's bae walls with artwork the last couple years. Though I like what I've collected, I wanted to add a couple small pieces that felt more like comicbooks: bold colors, panels and gutters, word balloons, story

Hexagon Cards and Gameplay Mechanics

Over the last week or two, I've expanded on my initial card game idea. With the ability to scribble out ideas on a whiteboard and bounce ideas off so open-minded associates, I was able to work through some initial problems. This will hopefully provid

Trying My Hand At Designing A Card Game

I have had an itch to make a board or card game for a couple months now. It is not something I have any experience in... but I certainly enjoy playing several different games such as Settlers Of Catan, Pandemic, Tsuro, etc, and trying my hand at designing

Ikea Coffee Table Becomes A Home Standing Desk

I often had an issue working at home, a place I associated with rest and relaxation. Attempting to accomplish any task at my desk at home became more problematic after I got used to a standing desk at work because I started to equate sitting with "ta

Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho

Jon suggested Ross's character provide inspiration and morale by singing a "dwarven digging song". It seemed like a bit of a stretch to find a couple more helping dice for the skill check, but came to a compromise...

Some Comicbook Recommendations

DC Comics did a complete restart of its entire line a little over a year ago, and Marvel Comics is just about to refresh a lot of its line after the Avengers Vs Xmen crossover. This means there's a lot of people talking about a lot about mainstream s

Feodor's Character/Flavour Cheat Sheet


A couple people have expressed interest in the "cheat sheet" document I had with me when playing Feodor, the original character. Rather than putting together an in-depth character origin story, I opted for an outline of notes I could refer to wh

Want to explore more of my site? I got you covered! All my posts are grouped by category to help you find what you're most interested in!