Nobody Tells This To Beginners
Identical to a video I posted before and is based on the same Ira Glass interview, but its still fantastic advice and worth reaffirming at the beginning of a new year.
Identical to a video I posted before and is based on the same Ira Glass interview, but its still fantastic advice and worth reaffirming at the beginning of a new year.
It only recently came to my attention that some of you have not yet seen the latest Mad Max: Fury Road trailer.
With the holidays right around the corner, you might be looking form a game to play with the family. Something easy to teach, quick to play, supports half-a-dozen people or so. Something casual, that allows you to socialize while participating.
This year, I was asked to contribute to "Mighty Medley", an online anthology series headed by Tom Russell. A requirement of the series was all stories contributed could not be longer than a single page, approximately six hundred words.
Its only a teaser trailer, but its a teaser trailer that hits all the right spots! Episode one through three was like fan-fiction in the Star Wars universe. So far, this looks much more like 2015 sequel to the original 1977 Star Wars.
Last week, I visited a friend in Alberta. Though we spent the majority of the trip in Edmonton, we were able to rent a car and make a day trip to the Canadian Badlands. As you might expect, I took plenty of pictures.
I recently bought and read through the new Dungeons And Dragons Players Handbook. It's the first book published by Wizards Of The Coast in the classic roleplaying game's fifth edition (sometimes called the "next" edition). Though I hav
Jennine Lanouette puts together a great video refuting the idea that a character has to be likable to be sympathetic. This is a concept I've tried to do in my own writing with only scattershot success. Its amazingly helpful to have someone explain wh
A major part of this spring cleaning involves reducing the amount of stuff I have. I do so because I believe its healthy to do so, to live with less impedimenta. As such, here are lists of DVDs and comicbook graphic novels available for anyone who wants t
I've been bugging my friends about the game, but at the time we were all committed to other roleplaying campaigns. In the past few weeks though, I suddenly found myself agreeing to running two separate adventures on fairly short notice... and I hadn&
I had very little experience running a tabletop game, so it took some cajoling to convince my friends to give me a one-time try. That trial-run session turned into a bi-weekly get-together that lasted over sixty-four games, a campaign that wrapped up last
So, when we last left our hero, I had a basic game mechanic involving hexagon tiles. I thought had potential. Upon revisiting it this past week, I felt the main problem with the idea was the overall theme. Collaborating book authors, competitive subplots,
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