
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 was... okay, I guess?

It took me a couple days to nail down what was bothering me about the film, specifically what the original "Guardians Of The Galaxy" had that this one was missing. And when I finally put my finger on it, I realized my least favourite Marvel movi

The Most Important Donkey In All Of Ravenloft


So, a couple months ago, six friends and I decided to play through "Curse Of Strahd". During the standard character creation process, one of the players spent some of his gold coins on a donkey and a cart. He named the donkey Steve. He did not n

Movies I Want To See In Theatres

Here is a list of upcoming movies I would like to see in theatres. This doesn't mean I'm jumping to see them opening weekend. It just means I think they would be amazing fun to watch for me and some like-minded friends to enjoy on the big screen

Don't Call Them Resolutions

A resolution is a firm decision. Its a little rubbish to be expecting a life-altering change of habits based on an arbitrary calendar event. On the other hand, a challenge is an invitation, and though you may fail it, it also invites you to try again.

Let's Try This Again

The goal wasn't to write something good, it was to just be writing. As I went through, I realized my lack of plotting was catching up to me.

My 2015 Visit To Vancouver

In August of 2015, I flew to BC to spend a weekend with some friends. Between their busy schedule and my sedentary habits, it had been a long time since I visited them. But thanks to some airline sales and a general need for me to just get away for a bit,

Avengers: Age Of Ultron, trailer

On March 4th, Marvel Studios released the third trailer for their upcoming "Avengers: Age Of Ultron" feature film. You can watch it in all its glory in the embedded video player.

A Little Visual Personality

I updated my blog editors and gave myself some extra fields. I can now inject custom CSS on an article-per-article basis. This takes the website's stand-alone blog article idea even farther, giving me the opportunity to give each individual article a

Left Shark Turns To Buddhism

Left shark strikes me as a pretty chilly dude, the sort that might turn to buddhism to cope with his sudden-but-inevitable popularity...

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