

Dwarves And Dice, Part Three


I wasn't originally planning on making this a series, but I am enjoying running my 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons game and continually writing about the experience afterwards. I like the idea of sharing what I am doing/experimenting with when DM-in

More Dwarves And Dice


This past weekend, I was able to DM a second session of my small Dungeons And Dragons fourth edition roleplaying game. This was a short afternoon game, only lasting about three or four hours, but it was already more successful than the previous game.

Dwarves and Dice


I have played a few third and second edition games in the recent years, and by comparison, the fourth edition rules were a streamlined dream. I have participated in a fourth edition game as a player for months now, and it's got me re-interested in ge

Lil Fred Cammies in "Bumper Car Brujah"


One player in particular, a Brujah by the name of Dominic, had a bit of a rough night trying to track down these wayward ghouls. Turns out he ran into one, a Lasombra ghoul named Trenton, twice... or more correctly, Trenton ran into him. Twice. With a car

More Adventures of the L'il Fred Cammies


The larp game started out pretty slowly, with a couple people not being able to make it, and those that did make it weren't showing any initiative to do anything. However, talking started, rumours of "rat-men" in the sewers! It wasn't

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