Oversized 5E D&D Characters Sheet
An oversized (aka "large print"-ish) fifth edition Dungeons And Dragons character sheet. I originally created it for a player with eyesight issues. I'm making this available online in case it helps anyone else.
An oversized (aka "large print"-ish) fifth edition Dungeons And Dragons character sheet. I originally created it for a player with eyesight issues. I'm making this available online in case it helps anyone else.
As a DM, don't you hate it your monster whiffs its attacks? Now it feels less of a "big threat" and more just "amusingly inept".
I like props. And I love a good map. So, as I've done in previous campaigns, I downloaded scanned copies of their hand-drawn maps and I opened up Photoshop.
My friends and I resumed our "Curse Of Strahd" Dungeons And Dragons campaign this past month. In our hiatus, I've been watching a number of roleplaying-related and game-master-related YouTube videos, all in an attempt to run a better, more
As DM, I didn't want to give them a copy of the map straight from the book, with all the location markers on it. And though I did find versions of official map with the markers removed, there were still details on it that Rictavio would either not kn
So, a couple months ago, six friends and I decided to play through "Curse Of Strahd". During the standard character creation process, one of the players spent some of his gold coins on a donkey and a cart. He named the donkey Steve. He did not n
Ever since I got the new Dungeons And Dragons Players Handbook, I've wanted to run a fifth edition game. I came up with an idea for a short campaign and I rounded up some friends to play. Last night, we wrapped up our third session, and though everyo
I recently bought and read through the new Dungeons And Dragons Players Handbook. It's the first book published by Wizards Of The Coast in the classic roleplaying game's fifth edition (sometimes called the "next" edition). Though I hav
I've been bugging my friends about the game, but at the time we were all committed to other roleplaying campaigns. In the past few weeks though, I suddenly found myself agreeing to running two separate adventures on fairly short notice... and I hadn&
I had very little experience running a tabletop game, so it took some cajoling to convince my friends to give me a one-time try. That trial-run session turned into a bi-weekly get-together that lasted over sixty-four games, a campaign that wrapped up last
I had a hand in building and maintaining the previous versions of the site, and though I haven't played in the game itself in years, I still like participating by way of some donated web development time. Not only does it give me the opportunity to a
I play in a bi-weekly Burning Wheel game with a pair of friends. One of them has a set of dice he's cobbled together with little glued-on pieces of paper. Having played over fifty sessions in this ongoing campaign, they were starting to show some wea
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