Oversized 5E D&D Characters Sheet

/Blog #Roleplaying

An oversized (aka "large print"-ish) fifth edition Dungeons And Dragons character sheet. I originally created it for a player with eyesight issues. I'm making this available online in case it helps anyone else.

Click here to download 470Kb PDF from Google Drive

This sheet lays out commonly referenced stat numbers and character features in a landscape format (as opposed to the standard sheet's portrait orientation). The individual boxes and spaces are much larger, to allow for writing in numbers at larger sizes. And all the labels are increased in size to make them easier to find and read.

To accommodate these larger sizes, some common things are removed. The choices were based on our testing groups' habits/setups, and doesn't represent what everyone does in their own game. Obvious things like name, race, class, and backgrounds are assumed to be on separate "RP" sheet, along with backstory, portrait, etc. Gold, equipment, and other elements would be kept within other notes.

The skills are alphabetical on the left edge, to make them quick to skim. The main attacks area is to the top-right, for fast reference. The rest is in the middle, with effort to make the most common or important stats easy to find. AC, INIT, and HP have extra bold borders, to stand out.

Light grey lines are there to indicate association with other numbers. So when something changes (such as when levelling up), its should be easier to tell what other values on the sheet should be checked.

In playtesting, this sheet worked best for melee classes. We found spellcasting classes often had to reference spells and write-ups, meaning they weren't saving as much time. However, gameplay that relied more on referencing skills and/or saves benefited quite a bit.

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