Thaco Armorclass in Dark Souls

/Blog #Videogames

So begins the journey of Thaco Armorclass!

I have reached the "fuck that Capra demon and fuck those dogs and fuck that tiny hallway you have to fight them in" part of my Dark Souls playthrough.

The mighty Thaco Armorclass has managed to solve his Capra Demon problem in the way he knows best... by utilizing more thaco and more armor class.

I was finally able to overcome the Dark Souls poison morass and its spider centaur waifu boss mostly through an extravagant amount of swearing aloud.

I won't kid you, this is a lot farther than I thought I would successfully manage!

I should probably get comfortable to seeing this specific scene...

The indebted Thaco Armorclass finally overcame Ornstein and Smough thanks to jolly cooperation!

This was my first time playing co-op in Dark Souls. I had intended to summon Solaire but I hadn't killed the royal sentinels outside the boss room. I was dodging and weaving and I clicked whatever first sign I saw before diving into the fog wall.

Having someone else there to draw aggro made the first phase much easier; I would have killed Ornstein myself if my co-op partner has not finished Smough first. But I certainly wouldn't have survived Super-Ornstein without them to carry me!

It was all adrenaline panic, and it wasn't until it was over that I realised that I didn't catch the other player's name! To whomever you were that assisted poor Thaco Armorclass, thank you!

Thaco Armorclass has found religion... or, at least, he's found a holy bonk stick! The catacombs is a neat area, and much easier to enjoy when you can get the DAMN. SKELETONS. TO. STAY. DOWN.

...and now I've reached the "fuck the Tomb Of The Giant and fuck whoever thought pitch black thin pathways with sheer drops was a fun idea" part of my Dark Souls playthrough.


Time to nope the hell out of there and do some other areas before I get any more frustrated.

After so, so many attempts, the persistent Thaco Armorclass has finally made it to the first bonfire in the Tomb of the Giants. I understand the plan should be to warp out, do some of the other areas, and come back later... maybe better equipped and of a high level... but right now, we're discovering how far we can get with only the power of bone headed stubbornness!

Ah, trusty Patches. Never change.

Certainly there must be an elegant, adroit tactic to defeat Gravelord Nito... but the pigheaded Thaco Armorclass knows not any strategy that does not involved tanking through a nonsensical amount and smacking his enemies with the biggest sword he can find.

Current Dark Souls gameplay.

Do you know all the nonsense I had to go through to get the thing? You're goddamn right I will!

Next up... talk to a dog about a dead man's jewellery so I can jump in a hole and debate constitutional monarchy.

I've reached the "oh god, they limp and fall over at low health, I feel like a monster, I don't want to do this anymore, I'm so sorry puppers" part of Dark Souls.

Political change through multiregicide.

I've reached the "You mean I need to run through that whole cave and it's invisible paths every time I want to try again?" part of Dark Souls. -_-

He said the line!

The stolid Thaco Armorclass tried to broaden his horizons by going to look at fine art once.

JUST once.

The Bed Of Chaos is the first time I was not having fun in Dark Souls. I "beat" it eventually, but that boss deserves all the bad opinions every has about it. It sucks.

With two of the DLC bosses down, Thaco Armorclass has basically reached the point where he should be able to brute force his way through the rest of the game... which, admittedly, has been the "strategy" for the majority of the game anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

...remember when I said I could probably brute force my way through the remainder of the game? Yeah, well, Kalameet enjoys laughing right in my overconfident face. If there's one boss in the game that i might give up on, it's him.

I can't seem to figure out the dodge timings, like, I keep getting hit even when it looks like I made it. And one mistake knocks me to the ground, which leaves me just enough time to get hit again while getting up. One mistake, and I'll be punished at least twice, and once on the back foot, I'll never have the opportunity to regain the momentum. -_-

Day three, and I'm still stuck on Kalameet. I'm learning the patterns and, in one good attempt, I even got them down to a fifth of their health bar. So it's certainly do-able.

I do, however, have a undying monstrous hate for whomever decided to put those three dogs in run back to the boss. Every. Damn. Time.


I have become John Dark Souls.


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