RACC at Wil’s Ego is out of beta. Over the weekend, I created an About page named Site Information. It doesn’t have everything I’d hope, but it’s a good start. It includes the basic formatting rules for posting on RACC, straight from Eyrie’s FAQ, and how that translates into what you see on this site.
I also finished some content management scripting, making it easier to keep the site updated. I now have tools for "cover matching", when I have to give a series cover to a one shot special, for instance. I also have a series of editable filters, which I use to set imprints, add those 50x50 icons, and to "nudge" posts from the news column to the comics column or the other way around.
(This has already come in handy, as all the Peelix the Cat issues were appearing as news posts. Apologies to Jesse Willy!)
I expect a couple people to be looking t this site, now, and I hope hey enjoy it. I also hope they’ll use the contact form and let me know if something is out of whack. I hope to have all the rough edges ironed out by the end of the month, and to make an official announcement post to the RACC newsgroup Mar 1st.
Thanks all for your assistance :)