Done and done!

/Blog #Webdev

Final beta testing has been completed, so I have spent the last hour or so posting this same message in half a dozen places :) RACC at Wil’s Ego has launched!

I’ve had this site up or up-ish for a couple years. It even went through a redesign before settling back to it’s current and original layout. I’ve learned some XML, PHP, CSS, and MySQL since then, and used that to my advantage! The site parses a Google Groups XML feed to display the latest fiction news posts, freeing me from tedious copy-pasting of times paste. This allows me to focus on what I enjoyed most: the cover images :)

This site is for the rec.arts.comics.creative community, who provide us all with original comic book ficiton. Hope you all enjoy it!

Special thanks to those who previewed and helped test the site during beta. You know who you are. Oh yes, you know! You know!

Want to explore more of my site? I got you covered! All my posts are grouped by category to help you find what you're most interested in!