
This is a place where I can share longer formed thoughts and collected experiences that may not fit on social media. A little bit more elbow room for images, embeds, links, essays, and various ramblings.

And as I've learned repeatedly, its always worth while to have your own space for this sort of thing.

Thaco Armorclass in Dark Souls 3

A tired, balding Dark Souls 3 player character at the beginning of the game.

Its the end of the world! Just like the last time. And the time before that. Collected here for everyone to enjoy, its our hero Thaco Armorclass's final attempt to link the fire.

Rescuing My Stuff From Social Media


There's a not-insignificant time investment in manually copying images and content from other platforms. But having that content under my own umbrella means I can be less beholden to what third-parties want and don't want.

Oversized 5E D&D Characters Sheet


An oversized (aka "large print"-ish) fifth edition Dungeons And Dragons character sheet. I originally created it for a player with eyesight issues. I'm making this available online in case it helps anyone else.

Using Inspiration Tokens In 5e DnD


My friends and I resumed our "Curse Of Strahd" Dungeons And Dragons campaign this past month. In our hiatus, I've been watching a number of roleplaying-related and game-master-related YouTube videos, all in an attempt to run a better, more

My New Gaming PC


I'd been thinking of building a Windows-based computer for home to use primarily for videogaming. Something that would allow me to play some non-macOS games in my Steam library, and something with enough oomph to run some of the bigger upcoming games

Rictavio's Map


As DM, I didn't want to give them a copy of the map straight from the book, with all the location markers on it. And though I did find versions of official map with the markers removed, there were still details on it that Rictavio would either not kn

Want to explore more of my site? I got you covered! All my posts are grouped by category to help you find what you're most interested in!