
Sketchbook Scans

I grabbed my sketchbook, intent on adding a couple more doodles to it this weekend, when I realized that I had quite a few pages in it that I had not yet scanned in. Well, that simply will not do. :)

Rockabilly Record Sleeves

I caught a great show last night at the Albert by the Thrashers and the Rockadoras. I manned one of the merch tables during part of the evening, but I found some sharpies and discarded record sleeves to keep me busy between sets.

Collaborative Comic Strip Idea

A while ago, I had this thought for a collaborative comic strip that I want to do. I'm not under the impression that it's a completely original idea, but I do think it would be a fun way for a couple people who like to draw to spend an evening..

Hourly Comic Day 2010


I participated in Hourly Comic Day earlier this week, a semi-regular event where a bunch of people make a journal comic every hour they are awake. and then they show these journal comics to other human beings, sometimes on the internet.

Drink And Draw

Last Friday, went over to a friends place for a "drink and draw", a get together where we consume alcohol and hang out with good company and do some sketching. A great excuse to make new friends, get…

Heroes, Villains, Pirates, and Witches

More sketches uploaded to my Flickr account, of a variety of things I doodled over the long weekend. As always, click on each sketch and you’ll find I’ve put little "notes" on each :)

More Sketches

Since I had a few minutes to kill during lunch yesterday, I grabbed one of my old sketchbooks and borrowed the scanner. I've uploaded six new pages of old sketches, doodles, and meandering to my Flickr account. Enjoy! :)

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