
Hourly Comic Day 2015, with Paper By FiftyThree


For this year, I thought I'd use Paper By FiftyThree on my iPad. Its a brilliant app that I don't use as often as I'd like... and to be honest, I didn't use it as much as I wanted this time either. The trouble is I'm either am doi

The Honesty Of The Sketchbook

Salvador Dali called drawing the "honesty of the art", saying that there was "no possibility of cheating, it is either good or bad." It was a hell of a sentiment to keep in mind when I took my sketchbook to the Winnipeg Art Gallery thi

From Le Chat Noir To My Sketchbook

While in Edmonton this past fall, I had the opportunity to visit the Art Gallery Of Alberta. I was really looking forward to this chance because, at the time, they had an exhibition on titled "Toulouse-Lautrec and La Vie Moderne: Paris 1880-1910"

A Hundred Masters and One Amateur

A friend and I went to the Winnipeg Art Gallery to take in the 100 Masters exhibit. I had already seen it a couple months ago with the office but I enjoyed it enough that I wanted to see it again... and this time, I took my sketchbook.

Raccowrimo Cover Gallery

I enjoyed making covers for the Rec.Arts.Creative.Comics newsgroup's comicbook-inspired written fiction series. It scratched a graphic-design itch that I didn't regularly get to scratch. They were…

Pints, Pencils, and Participation

A short while ago, a couple friends and I spent an evening at a pub. I was able to convince them to bring along their pencils and erasers, and together, we tried out that collaborative comic strip idea I've been wanting to do.

Post-it Note Pictures

When at work, I find myself doodling on post-it notes rather than the proper sketchbook that I have within arm's reach.

Sketchbook Scribbling

A bunch of these are from small web-comic ideas that I'm toying with. I may get aorund to doing them, though, like Sock And Bag, they'll probably just be throw-away runs to get used to pencilling and inking.

Sock And Bag

This is a little comic strip idea I had in my head that I wanted to get down onto paper...

More Doodles From My Sketchbook At Work

Not as many doodles from my sketchbook at work because we've been busy slamming out a couple great projects. However, I did manage to squeeze out one or two...


More sketchbookery, scanned in and uploaded to my Flickr account for the internet's entertainment...

Sketches From Work

I keep a second sketchbook at work in case I want to draw something. It doesn't fill up nearly as quickly as my sketchbook at home, but that's because I'm usually, you know, working.

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