An Awesome Adventure With Terrible Lizards

Last week, I visited a friend in Alberta. Though we spent the majority of the trip in Edmonton, we were able to rent a car and make a day trip to the Canadian Badlands. As you might expect, I took plenty of pictures. You can find the full photo set at my Flickr gallery).

T-Rex skeleton

The main stop for the road trip was the Royal Tyrrell Museum. If you’ve read my past blog articles, you’ll know I’m a big fan of dinosaurs, and the Royal Tyrrell Museum was a big treat for me! They had tons (literally?) of skeletons and displays, covering the massive reptiles and mammals that ruled the earth millions of years ago. I felt like a kid, running around the museum with a huge smile on my face!

Mammal with tusks

After the museum, we drove down the highway to check out the Hoodoos at Drumheller’s protected spot. The location has some metal stairs and paths to protect the formations, and they provide great vantage points.


And finally, we made a stop at Horseshoe Canyon. We even climbed down and went exploring, despite the damp weather turning every surface to slippery mud and neither of us having proper footwear. The scenery was worth the adventure, though.

Horseshoe canyon

I had a great time in Canadian Badlands! I’m glad I was able to finally visit this awesome Alberta landscape, and I look forward to future adventuring.

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