I Shall Destroy All Civilized Planets

I originally picked up "I Shall Destroy All Civilized Planets" form the Winnipeg Public Library, as it looked like an interesting collection of comics to read through. I was immediately hooked on Fletcher Hanks surreal stories! I was delighted to find that it and it's follow-up "You Shall Die By Your Own Evil Creation" was available through Amazon.ca, so I placed an order. They just arrived :)

Fletcher Hanks' collected comics

If you can track these books down to flip through, I highly recommend them. They are not well written and the art is actually quite terrible and the plots are near laughable, but it all comes together in a pop-art style that is amazingly charming. Where else will you find criminals whose evil plan is to stop the spinning of the earth so the entire planet's population is tossed into space and they can then loot what remains (they'll remain safe because they'll chain themselves to the ground)? :P

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